Sunday, November 9, 2008


So I started working from home at a place called ChaCha....It's free to use so try it out

Call 1-800-2ChaCha or text to 242242

Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Big Girl

Well today we celebrated my oldest daughter's third birthday. Its not technically till the 20th but I wanted her grandparents to be able to participate and for her father to participate, he works swinging shifts so its hard to get those two times to intersect lol.

She got lots of fun gifts, I got her a ton of stuff, a scooter, a bunch of toys, a bunch of craft stuff, some new clothes and some new accesories for around 80 bucks over the last 3 or 4 months, I try to spread the shopping out lol, of course when I do that I usually end up with a lot of stuff for them. LOL.

We had cupcakes, and gifts, sliding and fun... all in all it was a good day.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Oldest Squishling

My oldest squishling who is nearing 3 went peepee in her potty twice tonight. She kinda got what she was supposed to do after she peed in her highchair and I told her that was what the potty was for, you could kinda see a lightbulb come on. Yay for her I'm so proud of my little girl. Its hard to believe that this is happening it seem like just yesterday that she was a colicky little bean lol.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Okay so I haven't been writing. The squishlings have been keeping me soooo busy. We're in the middle of fighting with our management company, and we're also trying to find a job and housing in Yuma, AZ our new home of choice hopefully. We'll be moving within ooooh the next 3 months I'm terrified, I've never lived anywhere outside of the Northwest...ya know, trees, rain, clouds, coffee etc....this is terrifying to me.

Isabelle my oldest is growing like crazy, she's no longer a toddler she's a little girl. She's obsessed with Care Bears...when you try to leave a room without one...she cries out "BEAR BEAAAAAR" so then we have to go grab a few lol. Her new favorite phrase is NO WAY its soooo cute, it makes her saying no almost cute... lets just say it isn't annoying me as much as it was.

Abigail. Ah my smiley little Abby. Or Bee as Isabelle calls her. Bee is always happy, always smiling. Always running around saying Hurrah. Our main problem right now is the girl doesn't want to eat solid food.

Sarabeth is enormous, she is as big at 7 months as Isabelle was at 18 months. Sometimes I catch myself expecting more of her than I should just because I'm really not used to this big of a child not walking and talking. She's a sweetheart though. She loves to cuddle, she loves to get belly pokes and whisker kisses from daddy.

Chris and I are doing okay. We have weathered a bit of a marriage crisis. I'm not trying to sound like a witch but it truly was his doing. I think we're mostly past it and I'm just working on trusting his butt again lol.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Descriptions for My Shop

Squishling’s Specialties
Hi welcome to Squishling’s Specialties, where you will find cute and fun toys for your baby and toddler. My designs are all inspired by my little girls who I call my squishlings. When I had my second girl I went crazy trying to find toys that were safe and fun for them to play with together. Wooden blocks wouldn’t do, as they are hard sharp projectiles in the hands of an 18 month old. Plastic stackers are fun but when a kid just wants to stack they don’t necessarily figure out that the big one goes on the bottom now do they? They take that small ring and throw it across the room (or at baby sister lol). I then decided to make toys for them that aren’t dangerous in little hands, that are bright, that are one of a kind. I made a few and let them play. Then my second lil girl came up to her first birthday and I decided to make most of her birthday gifts. I don’t know about you but I don’t like running to my children’s toy box every time there is a recall hoping that they hadn’t chewed lead off of one of their toys. So I got to work and made a set of blocks for her. I made them out of all different fabrics, I put letters and appliqués on them. I put bells in some, rattles in others and left some plain. Not only did she love them but so did my 2 year old. I enjoyed making them and want to pass all the fun toys I’ve made for my little squishlings on to you.

Squishling’s Soft Block Set
This set of soft blocks is great for stacking, for linking, for building up and falling onto, for tossing around, for touching, feeling and exploring. Some rattle, some ring, some crinkle and some are quiet. You can link them together and pretend they are a train, you can hook them onto the baby carrier or stroller. Your toddler can count with them. They can be personalized with your little ones initials or embellished with sweet little sayings or pictures. Let me know if there is something special you want and we will work together to make the perfect set.

Squishling’s Soft Block
This is a single block. But it can be so much fun. It can be a pillow for dolly, a house for a little animal. It can teach colors or shapes or textures like soft and rough. It can make noise or be a quite toy for church or the doctor’s office. These blocks are great for on the go toys. They have little tags that can be hooked to a link, which can then be linked to your carrier, stroller, diaper bag or even on your purse. Let me know if there is something special you want and we can work together to make the perfect block for your little one.

Squishling’s Shapes
Squishling’s Stacker
Squishling’s Pals
Squishling’s Posh Posies
Squishling’s Soft Books

What a Day

Well I'm sitting here rocking my littlest squishling, wishing I were asleep lol.
I have my sewing area set up, I got my sewing machine OMG its so pretty a Bernina in mint condition. I've got a bunch of blocks marked out and ready to stitch. A ton of fabric to cut and mark...I'm so excited to get these things rolling. I just need to practice a bit with my new machine when the pedal gets here yay. Then I will start posting pictures of my projects and putting them up in Etsy. I'm really hoping this works. How great to do something I love to support the family I love.

Here is a quote I saw on my birth board on BBS and loved
"Cleaning your house before your kids stop growing, is like shoveling your walk before it stops snowing!"

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Not A Productive Day next to nothing done today. The girls were feeling needy, Isabelle has a cold and is getting her two year molars, Abby is teething and Sarabeth.....well she's 2 month old they're pretty much designed for neediness arent they?

The goal for tomorrow is to get all the solid colored fabrics cut and to start putting together blocks to be sewn.....

Here are my squishlings